Sunday, August 18, 2013


        In this book a teen named Pi and his family (mom,dad, and older brother) travel to Canada after there father sold their zoo that they owned. The thing was that they had to take their zoo animals with them on a ship to Canada. In the book Pi has to find courage and hope that he would find land after being on a small boat with little supplies and a large Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

        I don't know about you guys, but I would've been scared the whole time. Being only 14 and being on a boat for  227 days with a Bengal tiger just doesn't set well with me, but some how Pi managed to do it and knowing that he would never see his family again. Pi did a lot of amazing things in this book, like for one thing he mange to keep himself together after his whole family dying and he couldn't do anything about it. If I was him I would've cried everyday. He also was able to keep himself and Richard fed and alive. The thing that amazes me the most is that he kept himself and the Bengal both alive for 227 days. I can't even imagine being alone for that long.

       He also had to watch Richard Parker eat the zoo animals that were able to survive that climbed on the boat eat them all. I would have been traumatized if I saw that because I love animals and I wouldn't be as to survive that. Pi was also able to protect himself from the tiger. If this all happened to me I probably wouldn't have lasted more than two days with a tiger on board, because he probably would have eaten me by then but lasting 227 with it nope wouldn't have been able to. Believe it or not  Pi had to face bigger promlems than a man eating cat talk about sharks! With a small like his I wouldn't been able to survive the sharks either.

     For one thing you are on a small boat with a tiger and your surrounded by sharks. How would you take that? Probably not as good as Pi, because he was smart enough to find stick thing and try to ward off the sharks. As idiotic as this sounds I might have just into the sea with the sharks because I wouldn't do what Pi was doing...thinking. He thought about what to do with the sharks he thought about how to tame Richard Parker he thought of everything! And I know that other would just freak out thinking they were gong to die now yes Pi did think that at first but then thought well if I don't try to live and think about everything I will die. And so he thought about and survived even with all the dangers coming his way.

     Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this and go check out the Life of Pi by Yann Martel! :)

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